Individual investment
Everyone needs to save money. But if this money merely sits in a bank account, you are missing out on an opportunity to multiply and even protect these savings.
Did you know that many plans offer very interesting fiscal advantages? It is in your best interest to know these well in order to choose those that suit your needs. Allow us to review your financial situation and to recommend an action plan that could change your future.
TFSA : The Tax-Free SavingsAccount allows your investment to grow tax-free.
RESP: The Registered Education Savings Plan allows you to save, to obtain a grant and to invest in a child’s education.
VRSPs: The Voluntary Retirement Savings Plans allow you to save and invest towards retirement via payroll deductions.*
RDSP: TheRegistered Disability SavingsPlan is intended to ensure long-term financial security for a disabled person.
Segregated funds: A segregated fund is an investment that is similar to a mutual fund. The main difference is that it offers a guarantee upon death and sometimes at fund maturity. The main difference is that it offers a guarantee upon death and sometimes at fund maturity.
GICs: The Guaranteed Investments Certificates allow you to invest money for a determined period of time (from 30 days to 10 years) and to recover the initial investment at maturity plus interest.
Quebec Savings Bonds: These bonds are redeemable at full face value, depending on the chosen investment period, without penalty.
We do business with most financial institutions which allows us to offer you the best possible solution. We are also able to provide the best daily interest rate for all of the institutions whose banners are displayed below as well as the past performances of funds offered by these companies.
* * Only certain employers offer this plan. If your employer does offer a VRSP, you are NOT obligated to participate.